Happy Spring! I absolutely love this time of year, the flowers and trees are blooming, bees are buzzing about, and the birds have made it back from their winter vacation. Life is literally everywhere!
I wanted to capture some of that life within this new language content created for 4-6-year-olds. It's full of vibrant color, new vocabulary, and interactive activities.
You can access this FREE download by clicking on the image, it will take you to my homepage, scroll down, & enter your email in the box titled: Spring Language Activity
The link will be sent to your inbox for a digital download. It is 19 printable pages, but the first 3 are the cover page and 2 information pages, so you could skip those (to save ink) & read from your device if you want:).
The last page includes printing instructions, so I do recommend reading over those to avoid any formatting or printing issues.
Activities revolve around:
Speech Sounds
New vocabulary
Object function
Introduction to plural nouns
Education is included for each area to provide you with support and additional background information. There are also suggestions for each activity, but feel free to make this yours and do what works best for you and your child. Have FUN with this!
I've also included two spring poems, to go along with the rhyming activities, and
a spring scavenger hunt!
If you have new inspiration or ideas for the activities, please share them with our community in the comments section of this blog post. I always welcome feedback and would love to hear how you were able to use these activities with your little one.

If you are new here, please visit the "Free Resources" area of the website for access to a library of FREE digital downloads. Simply enter your email address to subscribe. This will also keep you up to date on new products, resources, and blog posts.
I hope you love this activity pack
as much as I do!
Thank you for your continued support and have a Blessed Easter!